Went for gynae visit @ 29 weeks and Gynae said i’m such an active baby as she could see the waves of movements made by me in mummy’s tummy the moment mummy lay down.
We also went for a pre-registration for my delivery so that when its time for me to pop, mummy can go straight to the delivery ward. Mummy was also told to pack our hospital bag for standby. Daddy already hand-picked my clothes, mittens and booties for bringing to the hospital so that I can wear them when we discharge ^_^
Remember my unsuccessful round of 4d video scan last week ?
We went for a 2nd round yesterday and it was better than the first but i still love putting my legs high up to my face..haha!
I was caught sticking out my tongue, smiling away, yawning and opening & closing my mouth!
Guess what? I inherited my daddy’s signature lips and mummy’s wide nose! Mummy had some problems uploading the videos so just some pics below Next scan at 32 weeks for development assess. Mummy is starting to get a little birth phobia as the days past by while daddy can’t wait to carry me in his arms soon. May god bless our family and we look forward to smooth delivery!