Shayla Tan

Shayla Tan
Shayla Tan Yi Xin

Friday, 7 October 2011

39 weeks 3 days - 1st Sept 2011

Hi hi, it's been so long since I last roared!
Just a quick update..mummy had an apptmt with Dr Su on 1 sept and mummy's blood pressure was showing signs of an upward trend, hence Dr recommended an induction to go into labour since I'm already a full-term baby!

Daddy & Mummy went home to pack stuff and reported back at the delivery ward after lunch. The rest was history as I now need my milk milk, so will be back for more updates ;)

Thursday, 25 August 2011

38 weeks 3 days

Went to gynae again and gynae asked mummy, 'still no sign?'..
Daddy and mummy been asking me when I wanna come out...and they're afraid I may go overdue.

Anyway, daddy asked gynae what to do next if I still dun wanna pop..and gynae said to induce by 39 or 40 weeks. Gynae suggested giving me another week to see if labour will come for mummy and she said hopefully the next time she sees mummy, it will be at the delivery room..hehe...

Gynae arranged for mummy to be put on CTG to track my heartbeat and possible contractions. 
We headed to the ctg room and mummy sat on the comfy recliner with two round detectors straped to her tummy for about 20 to 30 mins. Being an attitude baby, of coz I have to struggle  for space and attention since mummy's tummy was compressed quite a bit. When the report's out, gynae asked mummy if i was very active coz there were quite a number of 'uphills' in the report and mummy said gynae said 'Good!'. Yay!

Well, when will i make my appearance? more updates then :)

Friday, 19 August 2011

Waiting game

At 37 weeks 4 days, I’m officially a full term baby now!
Visited Gynae yesterday for our weekly check and Gynae said my head is very low mummy shall just wait for contractions/labour to come. That means I may pop out anytime from now :)
Mummy’s tummy is so full of me already and I’m really running out of space in my swimming pool..
This morning, I guess I was annoyed with mummy’s frequent toilet visits cause that woke me too and I had to keep shifting my position to keep myself I gave mummy 4 straight karate kicks before I could settle down.
Mummy and daddy kept saying I’m an attitude baby…hahaha..wait till we meet ;)And Daddy, yes I heard you saying ‘its okay, when you come out daddy let you kick’! ^_^

Saturday, 13 August 2011

36 weeks plus

Visited the gynae two days ago..she pressed and pressed mummy’s lower abdomen to look for my head head and she told mummy that my head is quite low already and I may engage in a week’s time. Mummy now finds it a challenge to walk the mall as I’m moving lower and lower and getting heavier each day.
Mummy’s waist has grown from 24 inches to a 42 inches and she has since put on 16kg..hahaha…how amazing…and she’s complaining if she could regain her pre-pregnancy size..well daddy always goes..’can one…slowly’…hehehe..
I’ll be full term by 37 weeks and its just a day or two to go!
I can’t wait to see my daddy and mummy! ^_^

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

陈艺欣 @ 35 weeks 1 day

Shayla Tan is now 2.3kg! Yay!!!
Went for a repeat scan to access my growth yesterday and i’m growing proportionately..hehe…my head circumference is now 31.5cm and my thigh bones are getting longer too :)
The sonographer told daddy and mummy that my head is at the bottom left with my body stretched up towards mummy’s ribs. She said I’m in a frog-like position..haha..and then mummy starts calling me ‘froggy baby’ :)
Gynae said with my weight at 2.3kg..okay to pop if need worries..and then she said since my head is down, mummy can try for vagina birth..Hmm..for the past few weeks, mummy has been contemplating  to  go for Elective C-section as she’s afraid I will get too stressed up during labour and end up with emergency c-section. If that happens then daddy won’t be able to go in to the operating theatre with mummy and can’t snap pictures of me.  On the other hand, a vagina birth will mean more speedy recovery and mummy will be more mobile and able to take good care of me..what a dilemma…
The gynae needs to see us every week now since I’m nearing full term, so more updates till then :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

32 weeks scan

Went for my 32 weeks scan today and I was active as usual whenever mummy lay on her back.
I was kicking and moving non-stop that the sonographer kept laughing away.
Mummy kept feeling that I was lying transverse but the sonographer said my head was actually down.
Yay! Head down means I have higher chances to go through a vagina birth and mummy may not need to be cut up..hehe..
However, I’m just too active and I may just switch position when i feel like we shall see ;)
I’m weighing 1627grams now, although within range, gynae said I’m a little smaller on the scale and asked mummy to eat more proteins to pump me up! But then, she said it could also be due to mummy being petite so that’s why I’m genetically small…hence a rescan in 3 weeks time with the sonographer to access my growth.
Mummy will now be seeing gynae every 2 weeks. Wow its getting close and I’m about to meet my daddy and mummy soon ^_^

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

29 weeks plus

Went for gynae visit @ 29 weeks and Gynae said i’m such an active baby as she could see the waves of movements made by me in mummy’s tummy the moment mummy lay down.
We also went for a pre-registration for my delivery so that when its time for me to pop, mummy can go straight to the delivery ward. Mummy was also told to pack our hospital bag for standby. Daddy already hand-picked my clothes, mittens and booties for bringing to the hospital so that I can wear them when we discharge ^_^
Remember my unsuccessful round of 4d video scan last week ?
We went for a 2nd round yesterday and it was better than the first but i still love putting my legs high up to my face..haha!
I was caught sticking out my tongue, smiling away, yawning and opening & closing my mouth!
Guess what? I inherited my daddy’s signature lips and mummy’s wide nose! Mummy had some problems uploading the videos so just some pics below ;)
Next scan at 32 weeks for development assess. Mummy is starting to get a little birth phobia as the days past by while daddy can’t wait to carry me in his arms soon. May god bless our family and we look forward to smooth delivery!

Monday, 13 June 2011

28 weeks

I’m already 7 months old in my mummy’s womb!
Daddy & Mummy brought me to Radlink at Paragon for a 4d video take but i wasn’t cooperative.
The whole time, my flexible pair of legs were high up on top of my face they couldn’t capture my face clearly..hehe..
The sonographer suggested we reschedule the apptmt and hopefully it will be a success upon 2nd try.
Next apptmt – 21 June.
Meanwhile, my mummy braves up courage to take some photos of herself @ 26 plus weeks..she has put on 10 kg while i probably weigh only abt a kg..haha!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Updates @ 25 weeks

My daddy calls me a naughty gal and guess what? Mummy places her tummy to daddy’s face and asked me to give him a birthday kick and I did it loud and hard almost instantly! Daddy goes, ‘Oww…’ and laughing away happily..haha! I’m getting very active these days and have been exhausting my adrenaline to produce those nasty kicks and turns! Daddy said mummy is always asking me to bully him and mummy said no teaching required b’coz its inborn..bullying daddy shall be my forte, just like mummy…kekeke…
Went for my visit to the gynae and I’m now weighing 725 grams, mummy googled for a weight chart and the average weight for baby of my gestation is around 660 mummy now calls me ‘xiao3 pang4 mei4′ aka ‘little plump girl’..thanks to mummy’s occasional chocolate snacks and coke..shes eating more and more like daddy and walks like a humpty dumpty!
Gynae said everything looks good but this time I was facing down when they took pictures of me so can’t see my chubby disappointed..Anyway, mummy has booked me for a 4d scan @ radlink when i turn 28 weeks, it includes some videos and pictures in 4d mode, yay..excited! ^_^
More updates till then ;)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

21 weeks detailed scan

It’s such a wonderful day! Daddy and mummy brought me to Burger King for breakfast before we head for our detailed scan at NUH. Mummy wants to feed me full full so that I have energy to display my stunts for them ;)
The night before, my nappy talk was all about asking me to be a good baby and spread my legs for doctor to see if I’m a gal gal or boy boy. Doctor asked daddy and mummy if they know my gender and whether they were keen to know..of coz! Within a min, the doctor said , ‘its a girl!’ Haha..see I’m a good girl and did as was told… Daddy was so full of joy..he’s been telling mummy that if i’m a girl, he can call me ‘sweetheart darling’ hehehe..
He’s all ready to buy me pretty dresses and barbie dolls!!! Mummy teased him and said he has to play Xbox by himself and drink kopi by himself while mummy and I go shopping next time =)
The doctor wanted to check my heart but said my left arm was blocking my heart all the way..she kept shaking mummy’s tummy and see if I will move my arm away. I’m as stubborn as my mummy and ‘NO’ means ‘NO’!
They kept saying I’m a naughty girl! Doctor had no choice but to ask mummy to keep changing position and gotten views from other angles and finally cleared the check. While doctor was showing them my face, they caught me opening and closing my mouth…so i’m actually swallowing amniotic fluid! At the moment, they both feel that I look more like daddy woh!
Thank god for letting me be healthy and I now weight 361grams. I measure right on far so good!
Mummy long had a name in mind for me! I’m baby Shayla! ^_^

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Gal gal or boy boy?

I’m now 19 weeks 2days! Grandpa, mummy’s cousin and aunties were curious to know if I’m a gal or boy.
Don’t ask me, I’m so tiny and I only know i’m just a baby ;)
I spend my time tossing, kicking and turning in my mummy’s tummy. Hehe..
Mummy has been warning me not to play with my umbilical cord almost everyday. Daddy did his usual nappy talk to me every night and ask me to be a good baby :)
During our 17plus week apptmt, doctor asked daddy and mummy if they can wait till 25 apr (21 plus weeks) to find out my gender and only used doppler on mummy’s tummy to hear my heartbeats. It sounds so loud and fast, just like a horse galloping away…haha…
Meanwhile, I continue to be good and stay healthy so that daddy and mummy can have an assurance during my detail scan. May god bless us :)

Friday, 11 March 2011

14 weeks plus

Yay! I’m now past my first trimester ^_^

Uncle Prof Wong has referred mummy to Dr Su for the rest of our journey till delivery.

I’m supposed to perform my ‘kick’ ‘kick’ stunts for Daddy and Mummy on 15 Mar but mummy has experienced some abdominal pressure last night. She couldn’t stand straight for an hour and they were worried, hence booked in for an apptmt this morning.

Dr Su checked mummy and said everything looks fine and it most likely were just some round ligament pain.

Then they had a scan and that’s when I performed my kungfu stunts for them..hehe…

The moment Dr Su did the scan, she said, ‘see.. your baby so active, no worries…’ and I’m now 8cm long from head to rump.

Dr, Daddy and Mummy were laughing away when they saw me happily punching and kicking so many times in my pool! ^_^


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

12 weeks 6 days

Today, daddy accompanied mummy for my NT scan and  the nurse took 4 tubes of blood from mummy. The doctor said everything looks good on screen. They are hoping the blood test results will be fine too!
Daddy saw me floated up in my pool whenever the doctor pressed hard on mummy’s tummy..I actually did that 3-4 times!

So you can see picture is so blur..its so different compared to the real screen.
Anyway, I’m already 6cm long and I will try my best to grow and grow ;)

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

9 weeks 4 days

I’m going through a growth spurt! 3 weeks ago I’m merely 5mm…now I’m 2.9cm long from head to butt and I have a big head! Hehehe!

Again, my daddy had that stomachache during my scan ^_^ See…he can’t wait to meet me soon ;) No no..I’m still so small…I need to keep growing and stay healthy before I meet them in september!
Daddy keep saying that I must be picking on the food that mummy ate, that’s why mummy is having a hard time with the nausea and vomiting. No No…its the hormones at work…NOT me ;)

Monday, 17 January 2011

My 6 weeks 5 days scan

Today, Daddy and Mummy went for an ultrasound scan and TADAH I’m 5mm big and is swimming right in there!

9 days ago, they couldn’t see me in that 9.5mm sac and today my swimming pool has grown to 21.4mm. Daddy was full of joy when Uncle Prof Wong said, “you see this flickering? It’s the heart beating away”.  I heard Daddy telling mummy that prior to the scan he had loads of butterflies in his stomach and he went Lao4 Sai4 right after the scan.hehe.. He was even smiling away while doing his business in the gents! Hahaha…

5 weeks 4 days
6 weeks 5 days

Mummy asked Uncle Prof Wong if the shape of the sac is normal coz it doesn’t look roundish. Uncle assured her that was normal for a 3-dimensional view. So far so good! And why am i swimming in that tiny squeezy corner when there are ample space around? Haha…thats because I’m shy ;)