Shayla Tan

Shayla Tan
Shayla Tan Yi Xin

Monday, 17 January 2011

My 6 weeks 5 days scan

Today, Daddy and Mummy went for an ultrasound scan and TADAH I’m 5mm big and is swimming right in there!

9 days ago, they couldn’t see me in that 9.5mm sac and today my swimming pool has grown to 21.4mm. Daddy was full of joy when Uncle Prof Wong said, “you see this flickering? It’s the heart beating away”.  I heard Daddy telling mummy that prior to the scan he had loads of butterflies in his stomach and he went Lao4 Sai4 right after the scan.hehe.. He was even smiling away while doing his business in the gents! Hahaha…

5 weeks 4 days
6 weeks 5 days

Mummy asked Uncle Prof Wong if the shape of the sac is normal coz it doesn’t look roundish. Uncle assured her that was normal for a 3-dimensional view. So far so good! And why am i swimming in that tiny squeezy corner when there are ample space around? Haha…thats because I’m shy ;)